Video Game Consultants

We help gaming studios excel globally through strategic advisory

Need a "business guy" for your gaming studio?

Need a "business guy" for your studio?

Alexis Gresoviac | Founder | Ace Consulting Group

Former Managing Director Blizzard Korea | VP of Gameloft | General Manager Huuuge Games.

Gaming Consultants
Bethesda logo white


How Ace Consulting can grow your Gaming Studio?

With over 25 years of experience in the entertainment industry, we provide top-level gaming consulting services. Our expertise spans across various aspects, ensuring that whether you’re starting out or looking to refine your operations, you receive tailored, strategic advice to achieve your goals.


What are your biggest challenges in your studio?

How We can help :

Assisting in identifying and assisting in securing funds from private investors, venture capitalists, or game publishers.

Conducting thorough research on potential investors, including private investors, venture capital firms, and game publishers, to find the best fit for your business needs.

Helping craft compelling pitches and presentations to attract potential investors.

Leveraging existing networks and creating new connections with key industry players to facilitate introductions and meetings with potential investors.

Developing a strategic approach to fundraising, including timing, target amounts, and identifying the best types of investors for your business.

Assisting in negotiations with potential investors to secure the best possible terms for business.

Develop customized approaches for successful game launches, ensuring your game reaches its target audience effectively. This includes market analysis, positioning, pricing strategies, and promotional tactics to create a buzz around your game and drive initial sales.

Implement strategies to scale your studio effectively, focusing on expanding your market presence, increasing player base, and enhancing revenue streams. This includes identifying growth opportunities, optimizing monetization strategies, and leveraging partnerships.

Establish clear project timelines and objectives, helping you stay on track from concept to release. We break down the development process into manageable phases, setting specific milestones to ensure steady progress and timely completion.

Find, develop, and retain top talent, crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. We assist with recruitment strategies, employee development programs, and team-building activities to foster a productive and cohesive work environment.

Optimize your studio’s operational efficiency by streamlining processes and leveraging external expertise. We help you identify areas for improvement, implement best practices, and manage outsourcing partnerships to enhance productivity and reduce costs.

management consulting games

GAMing Consulting Packages

Advisory Package

For studios looking to grow

Weekly Call

We help you save millions of dollars  through our Advisory services.

Our Advisory package provides weekly calls consulting sessions tailored for your needs.

  • Improve operations with Operational Efficiency
  • Increase profitability through Financial Analysis
  • Discover market opportunities with market research.
  • Benefit from Mentoring for guidance, support and training
  • Mitigate potential risks with Risk Management and compliance. 

Growth Package

For studios seeking advisory & fundraising

Weekly Call


We help you raise money for your game with our Advisory and Growth package.

This package includes the ‘Advisory Package’ with offering fundraising support.

  • Fundraising Support to secure funds from investors
  • Investor Research to find the best fit
  • Pitch Development for compelling presentations
  • Networking to connect with key industry players.
  • Funding Strategy development and Negotiation Support to secure favorable terms.

This service is bundled with the Advisory service. ACE does not guarantee fund procurement.

Executive Coaching

For managers seeking support

1hr Per/w for 12 weeks

We help you manage your studio with our Executive coaching package.

1:1 Coaching: Unlock potential, enhance leadership skills, and achieve milestones using proven methodologies.

  • Facilitate personal growth.
  • Professional excellence with personalized coaching sessions.
  • Leadership development plans and actionable insights.
  • Drive success in your executive role with tailored strategies.
  • Improve decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

That's not all! In our Advisory Packages you will get access to:

Monthly LinkedIn Pushes:

Elevate your visibility with monthly LinkedIn pushes. We will help promote your company and/or games on LinkedIn, reaching a wider audience and enhancing your professional presence.

Constant Access via WhatsApp

Gain direct, ongoing access to our expert team at ACE through WhatsApp. Whether you have a quick question or need detailed advice, our team is always just a message away, ensuring you never feel alone on your journey.

Your gaming Strategic advisors

Why Choose
Ace Consulting for your company?

Our Consulting & Coaching is dedicated to offer expert guidance on a range of critical business areas. Drawing from vast industry expertise, we equip clients with strategies and insights for unparalleled growth and success.


25 years of experience

Through the knowledge and expertise I gained in Gameloft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Huuuge Games, let me help you navigate the changing landscape of the gaming world and achieve your goals.


Advisory services

We work with you to create a customized plan that meets your unique needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help achieve your goals!


Flexible & Remote

Looking for a flexible and remote team to work with? Look no further!

Our team is dedicated to making your experience as easy and stress-free as possible. 

Alexis Gresoviac
Ace Consulting Group

Alexis Gresoviac | Founder | Ace Consulting Group

"I help gaming developers & publishers excel globally through strategic advising"

I originally entered the gaming industry for my love of games, what has kept me there was my passion for working with unbelievably talented people with such diverse skills, all working collaboratively to create products that bring joy into people’s lives.

Games I've collaborated on

Discover the projects we’ve worked on and get an overview of our contributions.

Starcraft Remastered

Business Development
Game Consultants


Gaming Consultant

World of Warcraft

Business Development

Modern Combat

Business Development

Magna Memoria

Gaming Business Development

Asphalt Injection

Asphalt Nitro

Business Development

Magic Kingdoms

Game Consultancy
Blades game design consultancy


Business Development
Video Game Consultant

Luna's Quest

Trolls Pop

gaming consulting


Video Game Developer

Civ Royale

World of Rogues

Gaming Advisory

Project Zero

Business Development


Business Development

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Insights from 20 years experience as Managing Director.

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advice from an expert tailored to grow your gaming studio

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