5 Strategies for Building Authentic Influence as a Leader

2 minute read

As leaders, our influence can be the make-or-break factor in our teams’ success. But how can we build this influence without cutting corners on our integrity?

Here’s how I approach it:

Stay True to Your Values:  Influence shouldn’t come at the cost of your core beliefs. Stick to your principles, even when it’s tempting to sideline them for short-term gains.

Transparency Works Wonders:  Be clear about your decisions and why you make them. When people understand your reasoning, they’re more likely to trust and follow your lead.

Listen More Than You Speak:  Influence is not just about directing others—it’s about listening to them. Understanding your team’s thoughts and concerns shows that you value their input, which builds mutual respect.

Lead by Example:  Actions speak louder than any motivational speech. Show your commitment to the team’s goals through your actions. This earns respect and motivates others to emulate your dedication.

Empower Your Team:  Give your team the tools and autonomy they need to succeed. Empowered teams are engaged and productive, and they’ll respect a leader who believes in their potential.

Consistency is Key:  Be consistent in your leadership style and how you treat others. Consistency leads to predictability, and predictability builds trust.

Acknowledge and Address Mistakes:  Owning up to your errors and learning from them not only humanizes you but also sets a powerful example for your team.

Building influence is about more than just having authority—it’s about being a leader worth following. How do you ensure your influence is positive and integrity-based?